
This portion of the website is a work in progress and will be updated as more details and information becomes available. Thank you for your patience.
Name(s) Location Number of known burials Contact Person(s)
Andrews Cemetery Sec 26, Twp 31n, Rng 55w 9 known burials, 1 stone marker visible dated 1916, most recent burial 1935
Bodarc Cemetery Sec 27, Twp 33n, Rng 55w 127 known burials Olita (Mrs. Keith) Zimmerman
Danish Cemetery Sec 3, Twp 30n, Rng 53w 18 known burials
Glen / Glendale Cemetery Sec 34, Twp 31n, Rng 53w 46 known burials
Harrison Cemetery Sec 10, Twp 31n, Rng 56w known burials
Mason Cemetery Sec 34, Twp 31n, Rng 56w known burials
Montrose Cemetery Sec 18, Twp 34n, Rng 54w known burials
Pioneer / Hat Creek Cemetery Sec 33, Twp 35n, Rng 54w known burials
Rural / Pasture Burials
Sheep Creek Cemetery Sec 2, Twp 24n, Rng 58w known burials
St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery Sec 2, Twp 31n, Rng 56w known burials
Union Star Cemetery Sec 5, Twp 32n, Rng 53w known burials
Unit / Unitt Cemetery Sec 21, Twp 32n, Rng 54w known burials

Glen (Glendale) Cemetery

Harrison City Cemetery, south and east of Harrison, Nebraska

Isolated burials in rural Sioux County, Nebraska

Mason Family Cemetery

Montrose Cemetery

Pioneer Cemetery (Hat Creek)

Sheep Creek Cemetery (Presbyterian & Baptist Churches)

St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery, east of Harrison, Nebraska

Union Star Cemetery (Presbyterian Church) near Horn, Nebraska

Unit (Unitt) Cemetery (Lebanon Lutheran)